
Blocks Breaker

-Swipe to fly balls and break bricks, take aim and fire! -Find the best angles and positions to wipe out bricks. -Play skillfully and make the most of the power up. -Catch props to break bricks more effectively. -Get the highest score as fast as you finish the game! Many Bricks Breaker is a Brick Breaker game. You need to break many bricks. Features -Free game and play offline -Easy ball control with one finger. -Tons of well-designed stages! -Eye catching and free skin of balls -Challenge mode and more props to get fun!
start start start start start 4.5/5
gameIcon Blocks Breaker
It's an amazing app, and some of the filters are really funny. You can change your voice from low to high. I hope they add more filters and I really enjoy using this app. There are not much ads which is good and I like the face swapping filter. Thanks.
-- Michael Truman

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